
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

FOLA Eric Flynn Award for library services to older adults

The Campaspe Regional Library are thrilled to receive the Eric Flynn Award for Library Services for Older Adults from the Friends of the Library Australia. We recently held a celebration dinner to recognise and thank the efforts of our Words on Wheels Storytellers. It was a very happy occasion and we thank FOLA President Dr. Alan Bundy AM for attending the evening and presenting the award to Valerie Hansen, WOW Coordinator and Jenny Mustey, Library Services Manager. Dr. Bundy spoke very highly of the program and believes it is a model worthly of emulation by other councils and their library services throughout Australia. We are extremely proud of the way the program is reaching over 380 residents in aged care facilties each month. Valerie has put a huge amount of time in researching the stories, poems and pictures that are developed into storytelling kits on a vaste range of themes. The storytellers are all enthusiastic and bring many talents and ideas to the sessions. We also appreciate the important support from all lifestyle and activity coordinators at the various facilties, without this it would be very difficult to conduct the program. We look forward to the opportunity of speaking of the program at a conference in May which is focussing on library services to older adults.