We are very pleased to announce that all library patrons have free access to ancestry.com. This amazing genealogy database is available to you to use in the library from our internet computers. You will find that the database is the first port of call to collect information to create your family tree and find out more about your ancestors. Library staff are also learning more about this database and will be available to teach you more about it in the coming weeks, all you have to do is ask at the desk if you are not sure what to do. We know that this site is already extremely popular and and are thrilled to be able to offer it to all our valued library patrons. The only way to access this site is through our website and you will need to use it at one of our libraries, unfortunately due to licencing agreements we are not permitted to provide external access. We are also taking names at our branches for people who would interested in learning more about how to trace your family tree on the internet, just let one of the library staff your interest and we will organised small classes soon. Happy Searching!
Also don't forget we have access to newspapers, journals, health information and a wide variety of journals to also access freely online, when you search for a book these items will also be identified as an alternative reference.